Wednesday, January 2, 2008

new year recommend and my resolution

i just gotta share something i've tried that i'm hoping will help me achieve my weight loss goal for the new year. i've tried the turbo jam workout and it is sooo fun you don't even realize your working out. it's tough though, and challenging and i can see that if i use it along with other forms of exercise that i enjoy, i will have a chance of obtaining that seemingly ever allusive goal of both health and a healthy looking body. if your looking for something fun, this is it! you just gotta give yourself time to work into it, learn the moves and routines, and understand that if you could do it perfectly and easily in the beginning, it wouldn't be worth the money you paid for it. oh, and a BIG thank you to erin kingrey for letting me borrow her dvd's to see if i'd like it. i LOVE it!!!

the only thing i've not been successful doing is dieting. i love food, and not just the healthy stuff either (as if that wasn't obvious enough!). i've tried a few diets and diet plans and i've come to the conclusion that it really just boils down to the fact that you cannot take in more calories than you burn, period. it doesn't matter whether they're fat calories, protein calories, or carb calories, the bottom line is don't eat too much. and the older you get, the less you need. it is also important to get a good balance of carbs/proteins/fats. all of these are important, and it is especially important to get good fat into your diet. and of course, i believe it is necessary to supplement in order to make up what my body needs as far as vitamins, minerals, and nutrients so that i can stay strong and healthy.

well, that's my plan and i'm sticking to it!


AJ said...

Amen Sista! Dr.Phil had his resolution show on today and he stated that diets don't work. I believe that and I believe what you said. I actually ordered turbo jam on my last birthday and love it too. we should get together sometime and do it.

Papa D said...

I hope you succeed exactly as you desire to do so. I think you have a good plan.

My resolution in on my blog, although I'm not sure mentioning it fulfills my focus this month. *grin*

Mama D said...

Sounds to me like there could be a small group Enrichment on turbo jam...

Here's wishing you good luck on your resolution!

Patty said...

I've never heard of turbo jam before, but it sounds intriguing! I hope you have great success with all of your goals!

Leslie said...

Way to go! Hmmm, turbo jam, huh? I may have to check that out . . . from the library, that is. James would have a cow if I got any more work out dvds before I actually use the ones that I already own.

Dory said...

I haven't heard of it either, is it Erin's? I will have to check it out, sounds like fun. Any workout where I don't feel like I'm working out sounds good to me.

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