Monday, October 1, 2007

HT lesson

in the month of sept., our ht john kingrey came to visit our family. our other ht, chris rampton, had surgery on his hand and wasn't able to come over, understandably so. but john shared with us a very interesting thought during that visit that i want to pass on. it was about the introduction to the Book of Mormon when it spoke about joseph being visited by the angel throughout the night and how because of the constant interruptions to his sleep not to mention the messages he was receiving that would change all life as he knew it he was not able to perform his usual chores the next day.when he went out to work with his dad he was absolutely exhausted. his dad told him to go home and as joseph was trying to cross a fence, he fell down, completely and totally spent. then the angel came back and appeared to him, and did he say, "aw joseph, you look so tired. i'm sorry to have kept you up all night." heck no. he said, and i'll paraphrase here, get up. you need to climb that hill, you know the biggest one in the county? yea, and when you get up there you need to find the stone where the plates are hidden up. now, joseph somehow mustered up the strength to do what was asked of him. he didn't say you gotta be kiddin me, as i would have. i don't doubt that he was blessed with strength that was not his own, but it still made me think wow! what faith. what an amazing experience. what an amazing boy.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

That is a great thought. For a minute there, I thought you were going to relate it to young mothers, and say, "Hey, if a prophet of God is spent after a night of interruptions, no wonder we regular folks are!"